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Acquisition by Stefnir hf., SRE III. of Heimstaden ehf

The ICA cleared an acquisition by SRE III ehf. of Heimstaden ehf. in market for renting residential real estate. 

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Merger of AU 23 hf., Alfa Framtak ehf., Umbreyting II shf. and Hrísey ehf

Alternative investmend fund Umbreyting II slhf., ran and managed by Alfa framtak ehf., purchased Hotel UMI and Hrísey ehf

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Acquisition by L1234 ehf., Vex I slhf. and others of Öryggismiðstöð Íslands hf.

It is the conclusion of the Competition Authority that there is no evidence that the merger will hinder effective competition. For that reason, it is the ICA‘s conclusion that there is no reason for further investigation nor is it necessary to take action due to this merger.

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Acquisition of Concept Events ehf. by Sena ehf. and Draupnir fjárfestingafélag ehf.

By the decision adopted, the Icelandic Competition Authority approved the acquisition of Concept Events ehf. by Sena ehf. and Draupnir fjárfestingafélag ehf.

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