
Request by Capacent ehf. (a media measurement company), concerning co-operation between Capacent and broadcasters in setting up and operating electronic media measurement system


The Competition Authority received a letter from Capacent ehf. (a media monitoring company) containing an account of a cooperation between Capacent and Ríkisútvarpið RUV (The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service), 365 miðlar ehf. and Skjárinn miðlar ehf. in setting up and operating an electronic radio and television monitoring system with a Portable People Meter (PPM) from Arbitron Inc. In its decision, the Competition Authority has concluded that the cooperation might distort competition, especially in the market for media monitoring, i.a. as the parties involved together are powerful buyers in the market for media monitoring. However, the Authority has decided to grant a temporary exemption, on the basis of Article 15 of the Competition Act, until the 2nd of April 2013, given a few conditions is met. These are set in order to ensure that new parties in the broadcast media market in Iceland are not eliminated from future participation in the cooperation. Furthermore, it is a prerequisite for the exemption that communication and exchange of information between the concerned parties is subject to restrictions.
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