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Merger of Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga svf. á M-veitingum ehf

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  • Case number: 1/2021
  • Date: 20/1/2021
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  • Summary

    The Icelandic Competition Authority investigated the purchase of Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga svf. of all the shares in M-veitingar ehf. KS is primarily active in the fisheries market, meat and dairy processing, feed production, retail operations, car and machine shop operations, and freight transport. M-veitingar operates two restaurants in Reykjavík and Kópavogur.

    Following the investigation of the case, it was the opinion of the Competition Authority that the merger would neither create nor strengthen a dominant position of the merged company. In addition, there were no indications that KS´ acquisition of M-veitingar would significantly distort competition. Therefore, there were no grounds for intervention because of the merger.