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The merger of KS sala ehf., Esja Gæðafæði ehf and Gallerí Kjöt ehf.

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  • Case number: 11/2016
  • Date: 22/3/2016
  • Company:
    • KS Sala ehf.
    • Esja Gæðafæði ehf.
    • Gallerí Kjöt ehf.
  • Sectors:
    • Consumer goods, supplies and etc.
  • Policy Area:
    • Mergers
  • Summary

    The Icelandic Competition Authority has examined the merger of KS sala ehf., Esja Gæðafæði ehf. and Gallerí Kjöt ehf. where KS sala is a subsidiary in 100% ownership of Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga svf. The merger includes that KS sala purchases and owns all shares in Esja Gæðafæði and Gallerí Kjöt. The merger includes processing meat products. Esja operates in meat processing and selling finished products continue to grocery stores and food services such as restaurants and canteens. Gallerí Kjöt is a specialized store with meat and related products. The Icelandic Competition Authority came to the conclusion that there was no reason to interfere regarding the merger on the basis of Article 17 of the Competition Act.