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Merger of Opinna kerfa hf., Sýnar hf., Korputorgs ehf., Reiknistofu bankanna hf. og RKF ehf.

The Icelandic Competition Authority has examined the merger between Opin kerfi hf., Sýn hf., Korputorg ehf., Reiknistofa bankanna hf. and RKF ehf. Opin Kerfi is a company in information technology in Iceland. Sýn operates primarily in the field of telecommunications and media. Korputorg is a real estate company operating in the market of leasing commercial properties to unrelated parties. Reiknistofa bankanna is responsible for the development, maintenance and operation of a wide range of software solutions for financial institutions. The purpose of RKF, according to Articles of Association is, is the operation of a data center, electricity purchases, purchases, sales, management, ownership and lease of properties and any other liquidity; ownership, purchase and trading of financial instruments and any other financial value, lending and related operations. RKF will fulfill the basic requirements to be considered a data center in category Tier III. After investigating the merger the Icelandic Competition Authority deems that the merger will not lead to disruption of competition in the markets of the case. Therefore, there is no reason to intervene in this merger on the basis of Article 17 c. of the Icelandic Competition Act no. 44/2005.