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Fastus ehf.‘s acquisition of all shares in Expert ehf., Expert kæling ehf., 1311 heild ehf. and a 50% stake in Fossraf ehf.

A decision was taken by ICA regarding the merger of Fastus ehf., Expert ehf.. Expert kæling ehf., 1311 heilt ehf. and Fossraf ehf. The activities of the merging parties do not overlap in such a way that there was a legitimate reason for intervention. The merging parties' activities relating to the merger were concluded to be amongst other to be a) maintenance and repair services for large customers, (b) general electrician services for smaller electronic devices, (c) sales of ice machines, cold rooms and refrigerators; freezers and freezer tables together with cold presses and condensers for such products and (d) sale of certain tableware. 

After the investigation, ICA concluded that there were no legal reasons to intervene the merger, as there were no indications that a dominant market position would be formed by it or that the merger would otherwise lead to a significant distortion of competition.