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Merger of Vörumiðlun ehf. and Fitjar-Vörumiðlun ehf.

The Icelandic Competition Authority has examined the merger between Vörumiðlun ehf. and Fitjar-Vörumiðlun ehf. Both companies transport goods in Iceland. Vörumiðlun transports goods between Reykjavík and districts in Northwest of Iceland and in Dalir and is owned by Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga svf. Fitjar transports goods between Reykjavík and Reykjanesbær and within Reykjanesbær. After an investigation the Icelandic Competition Authority concludes that there is not a reason to believe that the merger will lead to a harmful concentration. Consequently, there is no reason to intervene in this merger on the basis of Article 17 of the Icelandic Competition Act.