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IS Haf slhf. acquisition of NP Innovation AB

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  • Case number: 11/2025
  • Date: 24/3/2025
  • Company:
    • IS Haf slhf.
    • NP Innovation AB
  • Sectors:
    • Consumer goods, supplies and etc.
  • Policy Area:
    • Mergers
  • Summary

    The parties to the merger are IS Haf slhf. and the Swedish company NP Innovation AB. The transaction involves IS Haf's slhf. acquisition of all NP's operations. IS Haf slhf. is an investment fund that invests in marine-related activities and is managed by Íslandssjóðir, which is owned by Íslandsbanki. NP primarily operates in the development, production, and sale of purification equipment for fish farming.

    During the investigation of the case and based on the available data, nothing emerged to suggest that the market share of the parties would become so high that a dominant market position would be created or strengthened by the merger. On this basis, the Competition Authority does not see grounds to act in connection with this merger.