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Horn IV slhf.'s purchase of a share in Eðalfang ehf

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  • Case number: 27/2022
  • Date: 17/11/2022
  • Company:
    • Horn IV slhf.
    • Eðalfang ehf.
    • Landsbréf hf.
  • Sectors:
    • Consumer goods, supplies and etc.
  • Policy Area:
    • Mergers
  • Summary

    The Icelandic competition authority cleared the merger of Horn IV slhf. and Eðalfang ehf. which operates mainly in the market for further processing and sale of fish products to commercial kitchens and consumers. Horn IV is a private equity fund managed by Landsbréf hf., a subsidiary of Landsbankinn hf. The fund is a limited partnership that is operated as a closed-ended fund with about 30 institutional investors as shareholders. The Icelandic Competition Authority's investigation revealed no concentration in the defined markets following the merger. Conditions have been set in the case and following an investigation, it is the conclusion of the Authority that the conditions in question resolve the competition deficiencies that would otherwise have resulted from the merger.