Merger of ÍSAM ehf., Ó. Johnson & Kaaber ehf. and Sælkeradreifingar ehf
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- Case number: 36/2021
- Date: 23/9/2021
- ÍSAM ehf.
- Ó. Johnson & Kaaber ehf.
- Sælkeradreifing ehf.
- Consumer goods, supplies and etc.
Policy Area:
- Mergers
The Icelandic Competition Authority concluded its investigation into the merger of ÍSAM ehf., Ó. Johnson & Kaaber ehf. and Sælkeradreifingar ehf., which ended with a settlement between the merging parties and the Icelandic Competition Authority. With the settlement, the merging parties commit to take measures aimed at eliminating the distortion of competition that the merger would otherwise have led to. On the one hand, the merging parties commit to ensuring operational separation between the merged company and the related operations of the owners of the companies, in particular Myllan. The group's wholesale operations will be carried out in a new company, a so-called joint venture, which will be separate from other operations. However, the merging parties commit to taking more specific measures to mitigate the negative effects of the merger on competition in an area where the parties would otherwise have had a very strong position.