Further review of conditions for the merger of Ferðaskrifstofa Íslands ehf. and Heimsferðir ehf
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- Case number: 5/2025
- Date: 10/2/2025
- Ferðaskrifstofa Íslands ehf.
- Transport and travel affairs
Policy Area:
- Other
The decision addresses the request of Ferðastofa Íslands ehf. for a review of the conditions regarding its merger with Heimsferðir ehf. Due to changed circumstances in the markets where Ferðaskrifstofa Íslands operates, the Competition Authority agrees to repeal Article 6 of the conditions, which stipulated restrictions on the company's cooperation with Icelandair. The Competition Authority also agreed to extend the sales deadline for the undertaking’s ownership stake in Icelandair according to Article 5 of the settlement.