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Merger of Síminn hf., BBI ehf., Billboard ehf. and Densi ehf

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  • Case number: 15/2024
  • Date: 12/6/2024
  • Company:
    • Síminn hf.
    • BBI ehf.
    • Billboard ehf.
    • Dengsi ehf.
  • Sectors:
    • Telecommunications, IT and media
  • Policy Area:
    • Mergers
  • Summary

    Síminn hf. acquired Billboard ehf. and other companies in the same company group, which operate billboards and outside advertising space in Iceland. Síminn hf. is a telecommunication and media company i.a. which also undertakes sales of TV advertising space, which has been defined as a seperate market in previous cases. It was the conclusion of the ICA that the merger would not impede or harm competition, and the investigation was therefore concluded in phase I.