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Merger of Umbreytingar II slhf., AU 23 ehf. and Magmahótel ehf

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  • Case number: 11/2024
  • Date: 28/5/2024
  • Company:
    • Umbreyting ll slhf.
    • Alfa framtak ehf.
    • AU 23 ehf.
    • Magmahótel ehf.
    • Land og lóðir ehf.
  • Sectors:
    • Transport and travel affairs
  • Policy Area:
    • Mergers
  • Summary

    The holding companay AU 23, which was founded by the specilized fund Umbreyting II slhf, bought Magmahótel ehf. from the company Land og lóðir ehf. The fund is oporated by Alfa Framtak ehf. which is an independed operator of special funds. The merger will have a little effect on the market for hotel and resturants in the South part of Iceland.