The merger between Cargow Iceland ehf. and Thor Shipping ehf
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- Case number: 42/2021
- Date: 30/11/2021
- Cargow Iceland ehf.
- Thor Shipping ehf.
- Transport and travel affairs
Policy Area:
- Mergers
The Icelandic Competition Authority (ICA) has examined the merger between Cargow Iceland ehf. and Thor Shipping ehf. Cargow Iceland ehf., a holding company owned by Cargow B.V., is a logistics and freight service company. Thor Shippping ehf. has access to weekly transport capacity between Iceland and continental Europe. The company tailors transportation and logistics according to customers' needs and sells excess capacity to third parties.
The ICA concluded that there were no grounds to intervene because of the merger, as there were no indications that a dominant market position would be formed or that the merger would otherwise lead to a significant distortion of competition.