Merger of Lyfja hf. and Árbæjarapótek ehf
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- Case number: 01/2020
- Date: 14/1/2020
- Lyfja hf
- Árbæjarapótek
- Consumer goods, supplies and etc.
Policy Area:
- Mergers
The Competition Authority examined the merger of Lyfja hf. and Árbæjarapótek ehf. Lyfja is the largest pharmaceutical chain in the country and operates pharmacies under the brand names Lyfja and Apótekið. In addition, Lyfja operates Heilsuhúsið, Lyfjalausnir and the wholesaler Heilsa ehf. Árbæjarapótek operates one pharmacy in Árbær.The Competition Authority concluded that there were no grounds to intervene because of the merger, as there were no indications that a dominant market position would be formed or that the merger would otherwise lead to a significant distortion of competition.