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Merger of Eyja fjárfestingarfélag ehf., an investment company, of 50% share in Gló eignarhaldsfélag ehf., a holding company

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  • Case number: 16/2014
  • Date: 24/6/2014
  • Company:
    • Eyja fjárfestingarfélag ehf.
    • Gló eignarhaldsfélag ehf.
  • Sectors:
    • Consumer goods, supplies and etc.
  • Policy Area:
    • Mergers
  • Summary

    The Icelandic Competition Authority has examined the purchase of Eyja fjárfestingarfélag ehf., an investment company, of 50% share in Gló eignarhaldsfélag ehf., a holding company. Eyja fjárfestingarfélag ehf. owns a 55% share in Pizza-Pizza ehf., a company operating 18 pizza restaurants in Iceland, and 83% share in Joe Iceland, a company operating two restaurants in Iceland. Gló eignarhaldsfélag operates three restaurants through its subsidiaries. The Competition Authority came to the conclusion that there is no reason to interfere in this merger on the basis of Article 17 of the Competition Act.