Merger of Atlantic Tank Storage ehf., Skeljungs hf. and Birgðastöðvarinnar Miðsandi ehf.
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- Case number: 19/2013
- Date: 20/6/2013
- Skeljungur hf.
- Atlantic Tank Storage ehf.
- Birgðastöðin Miðsandur ehf. og olíubirgðastöðin að Litla-Sandi í Hvalfirði
- Consumer goods, supplies and etc.
Policy Area:
- Mergers
The Icelandic Competition Authority received a merger notification on the 28th. of May 2013, between Atlantic Tank Storage ehf., Skeljungur hf. and Birgðarstöðvarinnar Miðsandi ehf. There was no reason to intervine on the basis of Article 17 c of the Icelandic Competition Act no. 44/2005.