Merger of Station ehf. and Ísland-Verslun ehf.
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- Case number: 14/2013
- Date: 22/5/2013
- Station ehf.
- Íslands-Verslun ehf.
- Consumer goods, supplies and etc.
Policy Area:
- Mergers
The Icelandic Competition Authority (ICA) has reviewed a merger between Stations ehf. and Ísland-Verslun ehf. This merger relates to Station ehf.'s acquisition of a 51% stake in Ísland-Verslun ehf. from Jóhannes Jónsson. Station is wholly owned by Árni Pétur Jónsson, who is the sole owner of Basco, which in turn owns the 10-11 stores. After the merger the same party will therefore control both the 10-11 and Iceland stores. These will however continue to be run as separate enitities. Immediate implementation of the merger was requested and granted. Samkeppniseftirlitið has deemed that no intervention is required.