Miguel de la Mano

Miguel de la ManoMiguel de la Mano joined the European Commission in late 2000. He joined the Chief Economist Team at DG Competition shortly after its creation in 2003. In early 2009, he was appointed Deputy Chief Economist. From October 2011 to April 2012 he was Acting Chief Economist at the UK Competition Commission. From July 2012 he has been the head of unit for Economic Analysis of Financial markets at DG MARKT.

He carries out economic analysis of mergers and commercial practices by dominant companies and their impact on the competitive structure of markets. He has co-drafted various guidelines setting out the European Commission's analytical framework in all of these areas. Over the last decade he has been closely involved in dozens of in-depth merger and antitrust investigations, both during the administrative and court proceedings and has co-drafted multiple prohibition decisions. He has written extensively in particular for internal policy development.

Miguel completed graduate studies in economics at the Institute for World Economics in Kiel, Germany, and the European Institute at Saarbrucken University, Germany. He conducted his PhD research at Oxford University, UK.