Organisation chart


The organisation chart of the Competition Authority is based on the following objectives:

  • To ensure a clear overview of certain specified core markets and principal tasks
  • To make always the best possible use of the available expertise for the tasks at hand
  • To ensure that the Competition Authority and its constituent units work together as a united whole

The organisation chart (outermost circle) defines ten core markets, which cover all sectors of the economy. All the tasks of the Competition Authority relating to specific sectors of the economy can be located in the organisation chart (for instance, the food market and oil products market fall within the scope of the market for consumer products, supplies etc.). In addition, over 60 market segments have been classified under these core markets. The purpose is to develop and maintain a good knowledge and overview of the principal markets, in order to enable the Authority to prioritise its tasks and have a good focus in its work.

The organisation chart also defines the principal tasks (centre circle) of the Authority, which are handled by the experts of the Authority. 

The experts of the Competition Authority carry specific responsibilities for certain markets and assignments. The positioning of each employee in the organisation chart is primarily determined by where his or her knowledge and expertise can best be utilised in the light of the priorities and focus of the Authority.

The general management of the Authority lies at the center of the chart. The Director reports to the Board of Directors concerning the day-to-day activities of the Authority. The two Deputy Directors are responsible for special tasks and assignments of the Authority. The Deputy Directors delegate for the Director in his absence.