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The merger of KS sala ehf., Sláturhúsið Hellu hf. and Skanki ehf.

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  • Case number: 30/2014
  • Date: 10/11/2014
  • Company:
    • KS Sala ehf.
    • Sláturhúsið á Hellu hf.
    • Skanka ehf.
  • Sectors:
    • Consumer goods, supplies and etc.
  • Policy Area:
    • Mergers
  • Summary

    The Competition Authority in Iceland has examined the merger of KS sala ehf., Sláturhúsið Hellu hf. and Skanki ehf. where as KS sala is a subsidiary in 100% ownership og Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga svf. The merger includes that KS sala purchases and owns up to 60% shares in Sláturhúsið Hellu and 60% shares in Skanki. According to relevant markets Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga main activity is sheep slaughtering and Sláturhúsið Hellu is cattle slaughtering and portion of those products in large . The main activity of Skanki is meat processing and not animal slaughtering as Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga and Sláturhúsið Hellu so the overlap of activity between the merged company is limited. The Competition Authority in Iceland came to the conclusion that there is no reason to interfere in this merger on the basis of Article 17 of the Competition Act.